Monday, July 2, 2012

Last chance to plan...

The first blog post but possibly the LAST meeting of the Cop-athlon riders before the event itself. Today saw the group complete a 25 mile training ride, plus a fat pub dinner and final planning meeting at the Ferry in Wilford:

The ride was great: between us, we had two punctures, got lost twice and nearly rammed an old biddy in a Micra (Marek, take a bow). The feeling is positive though - there's a definite buzz of excitement as we get closer to the actual event and everyone cops the reality of the journey ahead. For one week in July, we will be:
  • Riding: in twos or threes, relay style. Each group rides 25 miles in the morning, 25 in the afternoon/evening.
  • Sleeping: in tents; put up at 9pm, take down at 5am (in silence, out of courtesy to fellow campers), ready for 6 o'clock start.
  • Eating: cold pasta out of a bucket. I exaggerate, but not much: the emphasis is on QUANTITY and stodge-factor.
Andy, if I can plagiarise your website: "Basically it's going to be a short, intense, demanding, tiring, hard slog but it's going to be an amazing experience!"


1 comment:

  1. Awesome kick off post BG, this is me taking my bow... First time I locked up my rear wheel and pulled a skid on a road bike - very enjoyable I must say, obviously accompanied with expletives towards Micra driver - I wonder how many of accounts of bike rage we'll have, need to keep a running score.

    Blog is looking good, forgot how well blogger displays, liking the dark grey and orange theme, works so well. Good work chap.
